Mikel Arteta delivers updates on the injuries of two important Arsenal players

Mikel Arteta delivers updates on the injuries of two important Arsenal players

Mikel Arteta revealed the status of both Emile Smith Rowe and Gabriel Jesus after Arsenal’s victory over Lyon in a friendly.

As part of their preparations for the approaching resumption to club football, the Gunners defeated the Ligue 1 side by a score of 3-0 in the United Arab Emirates, while participating in the Dubai Super Cup.

Naturally, Arsenal has a large number of first-team regulars currently serving their country at the World Cup or on leave after a recent elimination, but they are increasing their efforts with an eye on the resumption of football in order to maintain their outstanding first half of the season.

Due to a knee injury, Brazil striker Jesus was forced to withdraw from the World Cup. His club has subsequently revealed that he has had corrective surgery. Arteta said “no” when asked whether there was a timeline for the 25-year-comeback old’s after the victory.

“We are aware that he needs knee surgery, but we must take things day by day, week by week, and see where it leads us,” Mikel Arteta added.

When asked if an injury to Jesus would impact the Gunners’ transfer ambitions, he replied: “Because he provides us so much, it impacts our team identity.

When we have a clearer understanding of the timeline and when he will be able to return, we will evaluate our alternatives and attempt to make the best choices.

Smith Rowe has been absent for the duration of the 2022/23 season, but he has traveled to Dubai with the team for their midseason training camp “In the case of Emile, he has returned to training and is in the midst of rehabilitating after a time of intense pain.

Therefore, we are giving him time; he’s growing closer, so perhaps we’ll be able to meet him in the next weeks.